Aspirations girls with United Way at the International Volunteer Day
Saturday, June 21st, the United Way company invited the Aspiration girls included in the project entitled "Education and healthcare for children from disadvantaged families" which aims to increase access to education for young people from disadvantaged…
With the Department of Social Work - UVT helping a child with autism
Between June 20th to 22nd at the invitation of the University of the West Timisoara - Department of Social Work, MLI - Children at Risk participated at a charity event raising funds to help a family with a child with autism. The event took…
Mt. Bethel team visits Children at Risk
A team from Mt. Bethel UMC, Marietta, GA, visited us at the beginning of June. Todd Wilson, Darlene McKeithen, Mike McKeithen, Katherine Grace Addison, Susan McCauley and Sean Amidon were a great blessing for us and we appreciate everything…
Back to School - graduation festivity
We are so happy to see the children from Back to School program receiving awards for their school results. All the kids are thankful for all the support and love they receive. Glad to have Mt. Bethel team with us.
Symphonic concert at Deborah House
Can you believe it? In June 12 we were pleased to host our own private concert! :) Through the courtesy of Ador Copiii, Madalina Slav and Alexander Scherbakov, exceptional musicians, helped us see a more colorful world by interpreting special…
Mr. Mike Smith and a team from Seattle visiting Romania
On June 7th we received the visit of a team from Seattle. The team is formed by Rev. Tom Dabasinskas, who is the new mission’s pastor at Highlands Community Church in Renton; Rev. Simon Bilti, who is the pastor of the Romanian Church in…
Men’s Leadership Development - May 2014
In May, MLI organized its spring Church Based Leadership Development intensive training for men. Between May 12th – 15th and 19th – 22nd approximately 50 men came from five different areas of Romania (Câmpina – south Romania; Fetești…
Preparing for summer camps
The big word for this time of the year at Alpinis is ‘preparation’. We are getting ready for the camp season. We prepare by training leaders, we prepare the building and the site, and last but not least we prepare hearts in prayer expecting…
Men's Intensive Trainings at Alpinis
Pastor Jeff Sanders from West Park Baptist Church in Knoxville, TN finished an awesome week of training pastors and church leaders in Romania. They focused on the challenge to make disciples. There were men from the Western Mountains, Campina…
Women's Leadership Development - May 2014
Women’s Leadership Development – May 5th-8th – with Julie Sanders & Carol Weaver
At the beginning of May, MLI organized its spring Church Based Leadership Development intensive training for women. Between May 5th – 8th about 30…