Men's Leadership Training - October 2015
During the month of September, MLI organized its fall Church Based Leadership Development intensive training for men. Between September 28 - October 01, 2015, approximately 32 men from five different areas of Romania: Câmpina & Giurgiu…
'Back to School' - September 2015
In our project there are now 246 children. In preschool there are 15 children, and because they are more than expected they had to increase the number of places available. In the kindergarten, preschool and middle school there are 182 children…
Learning about weird animals with VoM
At the beginning of September the Vessels of Mercy team visited us. They did a VBS with the girls from Deborah house with the theme: "Wierd Animals - Where Jesus' Love is one-of-a-kind". They learned about less known animals and the fact that…
Hebron FPC team
On August 19th we had the joy of receiving a team from Hebron FPC from Ballymoney, Northern Ireland. They spent the first three days with the Deborah House girls doing Vacation Bible School with them. This took the form of various sporting…
"Volunteerism in my life"
Between July 15 to August 15, Alice Iosin and Ella Moldovan were volunteers in a children's home in Slovenia with an Erasmus scholarship for volunteering. We are very proud of our girls.
Here is one of their impressions:
The experience…
CLF team in action at CAR
Between July 20th-25th the Paulsen family with other members of Christian Life Fellowship visited Deborah House and Children at Risk. They had a busy program full of fun activities and bible study with the girls from
Deborah House and Aspirations,…
Mt. Bethel team visit
Between July 12th to 19th we had the visit of the Mt. Bethel team from Atlanta, GA. During their stay, the women from the team did crafts with the girls from Debora House making jewelry boxes, bracelets, they drew and colored, played outside…
Camp @ Alpinis with Woodstock team
This year, the girls from Deborah House went to Alpinis for a camp with the Woodstock team, with the theme 'Christmas in June'.
They started to decorate the villa with a tree and trimmings along with Christmas music. One craft project the…
Friends from Central Baptist Church Fountain City visit MLI ministries
We had the honor and pleasure of meeting four new friends from Central Baptist Church, Fountain City, TN who came to learn more about MLI's ministries and areas of involvement and how they could help in that respect. They visited Alpinis and…
Ann & Taylor Drake visit Children at Risk
After several years since they were here, Mrs. Ann and her son, Taylor Drake came to visit MLI and to see old and new ministry programs. God is doing great things in Romania and they were thrilled to participate with Doru at a Bible lesson…