Entries by International Missio Link

The Reach in Romania

  Between July 2nd to 8th, “The Reach” team from Northern Ireland, organized a Vacation Bible School for children in several churches in the Timis county – Carpinis, Utvin, Lenauheim, Ortisoara, Ficatar and Bacova and for the children at Recas School and in Giarmata, also enjoying a special time with the girls from Deborah House. The children […]

Moms’ School

For over eight years, in order to prevent school dropout and child exploitation, through the program Back to School, MLI supports over 200 children from disadvantaged families in the Recaş area. Encouraged by the changes in the lives of children we understood that we cannot see a profound change if the values and principles that we transmit […]

Woodstock team visits Deborah

Between June 19th – 25th, we had with us at Deborah House, the Woodstock FBCW team from Atlanta, Georgia. For a week we learned what it means to “Trust and Listen”, which was the main theme of the week. Meanwhile, the girls made a special and different craft, not knowing how it will look in the end, being asked […]

A well deserved vacation

A well deserved holiday for the children from CEI Constantin Păunescu Recaş. Over 200 children aged 3 to 18 finished the school year 2015-2016 out of which 96 students got diplomas. They all are beneficiaries of the program Children at Risk  “Back to School”. They received food and supplies and 11 young students in 10th […]

Glasses for the girls

On June 10th, a team from GALA VISION OPTIK offered free optometric consultations to the girls from “Deborah House”, and eyeglasses to those who needed them. The activity was continued through a make-up workshop, where we learned how to use cosmetics in a correct and aesthetically pleasing way. Our girls are very excited about the glasses, but […]

The Justice Cup

The Justice Cup was held on June, 11th at Iris High School between 9:00 and 1:00 p.m. The event combined sports with sessions on human trafficking and ways in which students can protect themselves against the phenomenon through awareness. Seven football teams were present, including a team of girls from “Deborah House” passionate about sport and especially football. […]

The team from Central Baptist Church, Fountain City

Between May 22 to 26, we had a team from Central Baptist Fountain City, Knoxville. They visited the  “Back to School” and Harmony projects, where they shared songs, testimonies, Bible lessons and crafts. La Deborah House, we were glad to learn together about the parables of Jesus and we had a great time playing together, singing and doing crafts. While […]

Women’s Leadership Training in May 2016

Between May 16 -19, MLI organized its spring Church Based Leadership Development intensive training for women. About 28 women from five different areas of Romania: Fetesti, Câmpina, Sibiu, Timisoara, Carpinis and Medias, came at Alpinis for a time of fellowship, study and spiritual renewal. The theme of the Conference was: “Sound Doctrine for Godly Living.” […]

Men’s Leadership Training in May 2016

During the month of May, MLI organized its spring Church Based Leadership Development intensive training for men. Between May 09 – 12 approximately 30 men from five different areas of Romania: Câmpina & Giurgiu – south Romania; Fetes ti – south east Romania; Sibiu & Medias – center; Carpinis – west Romania and from the […]

Workshops for future young housewives

Starting from the premise that autonomy implies first of all to have the ability to take care of yourself, together with a group of ladies, wonderful and talented housewives, beloved voluntaries, we organize twice a month tailoring and cooking workshops for our young ones. The girls learn to cut and sew, learn to cook, to […]