The Pastoral Conference organized by MissioLink International on September 2-6, 2024, gathered together about 45 pastors’ families. It was for the first time that the conference took place at the new Alpinis Leadership Center. This was not the single “first” of this conference: for the first time in the history of these conferences, the dynamic was different. We had more than one guest speaker and we organized different workshops in order to offer the participants a variety of subjects and interactions.
The main guest speaker was dr. Emil Bartos, who led a few main sessions about temptations in the life of ministers. He also led a workshop about how to approach those who suffer.
Pastor Daniel Bulzan and his wife Ina (drd. in theology), from Timișoara, led a main session about some tools for pastors in relation to people suffering from mental illness. Each of them had the chance to go deeper about this topic in a workshop with a smaller group. Beyond this, Ina introduced the importance of the narrative in the Old Testament, a new approach to understand better the passages in the OT and to find relevant application for the people in our churches and beyond.
Pastor Radu Campean from Sibiu had a main session about how to deal with the tension between serving and keeping a good relation with our own families. More exactly, how not to sacrifice the family on the altar of success.
The dynamic was good, the feedback was great so we think it was an awesome time together!

Here are a few testimonies from the participants…
For me this year’s conference was a new opportunity to rejoice and encourage together with my brothers. It is a crossroads moment in my ministry and the topics touched by dr. Emil Bartos on Intolerance and Br. Radu Câmpean on Weeping Victories helped me the most. (Emy Cira, Cluj)
We are grateful to God for MLI! Again this year we were challenged and encouraged! Given that we minister in Roman, the city with the highest percentage of people with mental illness relative to population, the workshops on shepherding people with mental illness were very helpful. As usual, the speakers’ willingness to listen and advise was encouraging. Thank you! (Teo and Monica Tifrea, Roman)
Peace and many blessings from the Lord God. Every time I come to Paltinis I am deeply motivated to serve God. The way God sets things up with regard to teachers is amazing to see how God emphasizes the theological needs, God sends the right people that you rarely meet. To live for a few days under the authority of the Word of God, transmitted by dr. Emil Bartos. It is a great privilege. I have enjoyed very much the Grace of God poured out through dr. Emil Bartos. God bless you! (Bebe Prica, Ciuta, Buzau)
The conference in Alpiniș was an opportunity to experience the manifold grace of God demonstrated in the work of MLI. Everyone’s willingness to be at the Lord’s service is demonstrated by the beauty of His work as the years go by. We pray that the Lord will bless all those who have allowed themselves to be guided by the Lord during all this time and pray for His guidance and continuation of His work! (Cristinel Popa, Panciu)
We are getting close to home but our thoughts revolve around what we have gathered these days at Alpinis; such a wealth of learning. Thanks dr. Bartos for the lesson of authenticity offered and how to relate to the suffering of those around us, to the Bulzan family Ina and Daniel, for “the helpers at hand to the pastor in need.” We have been probed by the message of br. Radu and the danger of sacrificing family on the altar of public success. And what a narrative lesson Sister Ina gave us from the book of Jonah and we realized that we can use the Old Testament in a wonderful way to make it known to those around us. Thank you Emil and Florin and all the team. We wish that God will bring to your team people who are equally dedicated to the vision of MLI, whom you in turn will train under God’s guidance, so that nothing of MLI’ Legacy is lost. God be with us all until we meet again. (Cornel and Veronica Mosman, Tulcea)

There are many other testimonies and feedback comments, but we will stop here. This is just a taste of what we experienced for a few days in close fellowship with the Lord and with other ministers from different areas in Romania.
In addition to the conference we had a special night (Thursday night) when we shared with the participants the guided prayer from the International Conference of Mission. Andrew Jit visited us in May 2024, shared a few things about ICOM and we kept in touch with him all this time. We The Communion, the songs, the prayer time was organized as a part of the bigger picture – the mission that is taking place all over the world. We prayed for us, our families, our churches, our nation and for the global mission, knowing that in November, 14-16, in Lexington KY, Romania will be part of the conference.
We are so grateful to all our partners who prayed and expressed their generosity in order to have the opportunity to organize the pastoral conference. May God bless you all and continue to make you a blessing wherever you are!