DSC_9748_1312x1050Missio Link International Foundation in partnership with the eLiberare Association, the National Agency against Human Trafficking – Timisoara Regional Centre and the General Agency of Social Services and Child Protection Timis, held between March 22 – 23 a series of trainings that presented resources available to prevent human trafficking and how they can be used. The trainings were addressed to school counselors, teachers and professionals working in child protection, in DGASPC structures and in accredited private services.

The eLiberare curriculum is a lesson about human trafficking that contains a lesson plan, a PowerPoint presentation and printed materials. An interactive and generic lesson was prDSC_9782_1575x1050esented that can be used both in schools, as it is approved by the Ministry of Education, and with the beneficiaries of social services and vulnerable groups. It covers the definition of human trafficking, the forms it takes, causes, ways of recruitment, a video testimony and concrete advice on how to prevent.

We organized two training sessions attended by a total of 68 specialists in child protection in the Timis county, counselors, teachers from the Reeducation Center Buziaş and CSEI Constantin Paunescu Recas. In addition to the two training sessions from Buziaş, a lesson was presented about human-trafficking prevention to 60 young people aged 15-22 years.