Since 2002, Deborah House has been writing Stories of Hope.

Nicoleta from Deborah House excels at school and she is an example to her colleagues.

Unlike most teenagers, Ana-Maria is a quiet one. She tells her story through the strings of a violin, colours and sometimes by writing. A few years ago she published a collection of poems written by her. The collection of paintings painted by Ana-Maria is much larger. Some of these paintings were offered as a thanks to many of our partners who visited us and are now as private collections in USA and Europe.

Despite the evil she has unfairly dealt with, Sabrina always finds the strength to choose the good and soar above the clouds like eagles.

Who are we? Where do we come from and where are we heading to? These are question that each of us seek to have answers to. Gift of God with a beautiful voice and her passion for music helped Adela to discover and to value the beauty of Romanian folk music.

After only a few months with us, Raluca talks about her passions and her future plans. We believe that the people who helped her adapt so quickly are her new housemates, our volunteers and partners, last but not least the team.

What can be so full of hope, when you see a young girl who desires to help other kids the way she was helped?

At Deborah house we write the Stories of Hope together every day.