Between July 20th-25th the Paulsen family with other members of Christian Life Fellowship visited Deborah House and Children at Risk. They had a busy program full of fun activities and bible study with the girls from
Deborah House and Aspirations, and the minors from the Reeducation Center in Buzias.

The second day Mary Farris gave a lesson on salvation and the girls made bracelets, had music, jump ropes, sketching and more fun. The next day Cindy gave the lesson on planting seeds and the girls chose bible verses for each other. Then the following day they had a wonderful dinner party at Bistra with our Aspirations girls – beautiful young ladies and their adorable babies. The team was profoundly impressed with their evolution as they have known for a very long time.

Their final day at Deborah House Danielle gave the lesson and they had team competitions – human knot, three legged race, water balloons and frozen t-shirts. After lunch they had facials and manicures and made lots of jewelry. At the end of the day we all had a barbecue saying our goodbyes.

We appreciate everythi11796204_867989256569901_6517160881645745230_n11800129_867986796570147_7797443062941720715_nng you have done for the girls and look forward to your next visit.