Farming Activity Status
After the unexpected storm in September, with God’s help we managed to repair parts of the damages. With the recovered materials we built a smaller greenhouse, only for seedling. To continue to have fresh vegetables next winter, we still have…
Mt. Bethel friends visiting Romania and MLI ministries
The partnership we have with Mt. Bethel UMC, Marietta, GA is an encouragement for us and for everybody who met them during their mission trip to Romania. They could have been home with their families this Easter, but they chose to spend the…
Mothers of Preschoolers (MoPS) Free Indeed conference: 16-18 March 2018
Over the past three years Zionsville Presbyterian Church from IN, USA came alongside Romanian partner churches to offer MoPS as a ministry tool. This year, in March, we organized together a MoPS conference called Free Indeed, which is also the…
Missionary Conference 19-22 March 2018
Through MLI, Zionsville Presbyterian Church from IN, USA, has been in a partnering relationship with churches in the south and southeast Romania. Dave Gall who is the ambassador for Romania ministries at ZPC, came with a team from the church…
On Friday afternoon, February 9, following a heart attack, Pastor Eugen Groza (63), went to be with the Lord. Brother Eugen had a heart condition and in the last years suffered of cancer; his fragile health stood in contrast with his living…
Carol singing is a well established Romanian tradition. At this time of the year, we receive carolers at Deborah House, and we also go caroling with the girls, visiting partners and friends.
The first carolers we hosted, were children from…
The Good Santa Claus from BRD Bank
For the eighth consecutive year, BRD Timisoara employees were Santa Claus for the children of the Inclusive Education Center Constantin Păunescu from Recaş, who are beneficiaries of our Back to School program. With love and generosity, bank…
Church Based Leadership Development – Trauma Healing Training
Between 6 - 9 December, we at Missio Link International (MLI) continued our leadership development program with a special training in the area of emotional and spiritual trauma. Our long time friends and partners, Mrs. Katherine Barnhart and…
Children from Recaș at the Corvin Castle
We took the children from Recaș who are beneficiaries of the "Back to School" program, on an educational history tour to Corvin Castle. This is a large fourteen century castle, a major gothic fortification full of history and interesting legends,…
Visiting US partners
A special word of thanks to our ministry partners in the USA, for their warm welcome and genuine interest in ministry in Romania, during my visit in November. This was a time of bringing updates as well as planning forward with many of our US…