Together towards the future

This is a new MLI project which began in January 2016 and is being funded by United Way Romania. The project will run for two years because from the groups with high risk of social exclusion, the children are most affected. The risk increases…

Christmas Holidays at Deborah House

Even without snow, Christmas vacation was a dream for girls from Deborah House. Many warmhearted people gave them their sincere appreciation and love. Seemingly small gestures made the girls feel special, and they are, but haven't been shown…

Gifts for the children

It is the third year in a row since United Way Foundation in cooperation with Continental Automotive Timisoara supports projects of MLI. The girls from Deborah House and Aspirations received Christmas gifts. Also, the babies of the young women…

Little Elves from BRD

Since 2009, Santa has had trustworthy helpers in the employees of BRD Timisoara branch. For seven consecutive years, well-behaved children, beneficiaries of our program 'Back to School' in partnership with C.E.I. Constantin Paunescu in Recas,…

Deborah House at the Christmas Fair

Since 2012 the girls from Deborah House have always been present at the traditional Christmas Fair hosted by Iulius Mall Timisoara. We could not miss the 2015 edition, especially because since September, during the art therapy and occupational…

Planting trees at Deborah House - Kids for Kids

On 11/28/2015 the Deborah House girls had a wonderful group of kids as guests: members of the RotaKids Club in Timisoara. Despite the cold days at the end of November, the children planted fruit trees and learned how to dig and plant. With…

Preparing for reintegration

Reeducation is in fact a young man's ability to return to society as an active member. We strongly believe that only through education any bad cycle that turns a child into a possible criminal can be interrupted. But education means more than…

November events

We have been busy lately at Children at Risk preparing for winter. Last week with the help of twelve boys from the Juvenile Hall in Buzias holes were dug in order to plant about 400 trees in the orchard and the girls from Deborah House helped…

The Romanian Forum against Human Trafficking

Between Oct, 12th to 15th 2015 MLI was invited to attend the Forum Against Human Trafficking organized by the Association Eliberare in partnership with the National Agency Against Human Trafficking. The debate on October 12th had the theme…

Women's Leadership Training - October 2015

Between October 05-08, 2015, approximately 30 women from four different areas of Romania: Câmpina & Filipestii de Padure – south Romania; Fetes ti – Slobozia - south east Romania; Sibiu & Medias - center Romania; Carpinis &…