About Us
Our Mission & Vision
Missio is a Latin word used to speak of the “mission of God” that is, Missio Dei. As a name, Missio Link International (MLI) precisely reflects our calling to participate in God’s mission to His Church and to the World by fostering partnerships between Christians, churches, and organizations, aimed at Christian witness, edification and service to those in need; and our vision to carry this out through MLI’s Church in Mission, Children at Risk and Alpinis Leadership Center ministries.
We equip, resource and enable leadership and ministry in local churches and through the Alpiniș Leadership Center.
We act in prevention and assistance for girls who are survivors of severe abuse and traffic and for disadvantaged children in Romania.
The 1989 anti-Communist Revolution brought much hope to Romanians, but it also revealed serious social, economic, and moral problems caused by the deep scars of over 45 years of Communism.
Pastor Eugen Groza (1954-2018) and a group of capable Romanian leaders who worked together for over 25 years, formed MLI in 2001 to address the material and spiritual needs of the Romanian people through a variety of successful ministry initiatives.
- Glorify God.
- People and relationships: God has called us to work in partnership with Christ, through the Spirit, and therefore in partnership with each other, across borders, races, and continents.
- Serving community and personal needs: we are preoccupied to serve both spiritual and physical needs of the people we serve.
- Church and its mission: we endeavour to work as an arm of Christ’s Church, with and through local churches.
- Christian belief, values, and morals: we confess and promote the evangelical faith and adhere to the Statement of Faith of the Evangelical Alliance of Romania.