During the month of May, MLI organized its spring Church Based Leadership Development intensive training for women. Between May 25th –28th, approximately 25 women from five different areas of Romania: Fetesti, Câmpina, Sibiu, Timisoara, Carpinis and Medias, came at Alpinis for a time of fellowship, study and renewal. The theme of the Conference was: “Created for to build the Kingdom – an understanding of femininity in the light of God’s Word”. The speaker this spring was our dear sister and good friend from Timisoara Mrs. Daniela Sala from First Baptist Church Timisoara, Romania. Daniela is involved in training and working with women in Romania.
The time at Alpinis was special; it was a time of deeper Biblical understanding of what it means to be a women , a time of sweet fellowship, building relationship, growing in the knowledge of the Lord, spiritual and physical renewal. Thank you Daniela for your serving heart and sweet spirit, you are such a blessing for so many. Please take a few minutes to read the impressions of some of the participants.
I thank God for this conference which came as answer to my prayers and helped me grow spiritually. My prayer, after a period of suffering, is that God would equip me to make disciples toward building His kingdom. Through the study, testimonies, prayers and songs I have been strengthened and enriched through the new relationships I have formed. Alina Adam – Sibiu
I am so thankful the Lord prepared the subjects discussed according to our needs. God answered all the questions I have been having lately, through sister Daniela’s teachings, I understood that I am created to build the Kingdom of God, so I pray that He would help me apply what I have learned. Mariana Ganea – Fetesti
The time spent at the conference was so wonderful, I learned how to be useful in God’s kingdom and not demolish what was already built. I learned from other sisters’ experiences and we shared ideas about serving more efficiently. I cannot wait to apply them in our church and in my family. Camelia Vasile – Campina
I am grateful to everyone who facilitated this retreat for women. I knew from previous conferences that we are created to bring praise to the Lord. Now I understand more clearly that we are to build His kingdom through what we do in society, at church or in our homes. Sister Daniela helped me understand that God’s love is sufficient. Her modesty was inspiring and we appreciated how she led the conference full of wisdom, kindness, and sensibility. Nina Andone – Campina
I learned that in order to build God’s kingdom it is important to not judge, but to console, to disciple those who are new in their faith, and to help them grow spiritually. To serve the Lord is an honor; He has already prepared the good works in which we can walk according to His will. May the Lord help us be lights in His kingdom. Viorica Rusu – Campina
It was a great time in which we could learn from each other, be encouraged and inspired. God always teaches us some-thing new and useful. In order to build His kingdom we should be strongly anchored in His Word so we could be a blessing in our family, church and wherever God placed us. May the Lord bless everyone who facilitated this conference!
Aurelia Corbu – Fetesti
The relationships that were formed during the retreat will continue through the bond of prayer. I realize now that everyone is valuable in God’s eyes and I was humbled before Him. Many times I criticized appearances, but He showed me the beauty beyond what the eyes can see. I was motivated to be at God’s disposal in building His kingdom and in “repairing the walls of Jerusalem”. Angela Marginean – Medias
Everything I learned here I want to apply in my life and I pray the Holy Spirit will help me serve faithfully. It was wonderful to meet sisters from other areas, have fellowship together and encourage each other. We are so grateful to all who sacrificed so that we could be refreshed in the Lord. Nastasia Cotuna – Timisoara
I thank the Lord for the opportunity to have this special time of fellowship. I have come to know new people, many difficult situations and a lot of spiritual needs which have motivated me to pray more fervently. Through the study here, I became more aware that we are called to set good examples for younger generations, to know them better, to listen to them, and help them.
Marina Barac – Sibiu
Thank you so much for making possible such meaningful events possible for us in Romania. We do appreciate so much your continue support in prayer and generosity. Your love and dedication is an example for us and encourages us.
Your partnership is vital for us, without your very important support we could not do what we do. You all are in our hearts and we pray for you! May the Lord bless. Pastor Eugen Groza – Your Partner in Romania