Partnering Christians in Witness and Action is at the core of our work at Missio Link International. In essence, our partners from the USA, UK and other countries, take part in ministry in Romania through support, prayer, sharing in the vision and visiting. Although not always possible, visits are appreciated and nurture lifelong friendships and a better understanding of the ministry. As part of our partnerships, at MLI, we treasure visits and short term mission teams (STMT), people from the churches we partner with, who come to connect, experience and serve alongside us in Romania. 

Visiting teams serve in our Children at Risk programs: they spend time with our girls at Deborah House, visit the children and families from disadvantaged communities in the Recaș area, and the youth at the Buziaș Educational Center, one of the largest juvenile detention centers in the country. The experience may also include a visit to the Alpiniș Leadership Center in Păltiniș, the beautiful mountain resort setting near Sibiu, or visiting partnering churches. Not lastly, groups connect with our MLI team and learn about our rich culture and history. 

We gratefully share a few highlights from groups that served with us over the past year, offering encouraging stories of their experience with MLI. We pray that our partners are as blessed in their experience as we are, we see the bond of Christ uniting us in witness and action. 

Please click on the link below to see the playlist of testimonies shared by our friends who visited us. You may subscribe to our channel to hear more about MLI.