During the months of September/October 2014, MLI organized its fall Church Based Leadership Development intensive training for men. Between September 22nd – 25th and September 29th – October 02nd approximately 50 men came from five different areas of Romania (Câmpina & Giurgiu – south Romania; Fetesti – south-east Romania, Sibiu & Fagaras – center Romania, Carpinis and Anina — south-west Romania and from the Western Mountains). The theme of the Conference was: “More Than A Survivor”, a study of I Peter. The speaker this fall was my long time friend Dr. Ed Scearce – Senior Pastor at Grace Church, Normal IL. Pastor Ed visited Romania during the time of communism and preached the Gospel in few cities at that time, including Timisoara. Once again the time spent together at Alpinis was special; it was a time of serious Bible study, sweet fellowship, building relationship, growing in the knowledge of the Lord, spiritual and physical renewal. Thank you Pastor Ed for your passion for God’s ministry all around the world and especially in Romania. We appreciate the sacrifice you made to come all the way to Romania and serve God’s people here. May the Lord abundantly bless you, your family and your church. We also are thankful to Grace Church of Normal, IL. for their support in ministry for so many years and for giving you the time to come and be such a blessing for us. Please take a few minutes to read the impressions of some of the participants.


3Thank you so much for a wonderful week of fellowship and revitalization of my faith and my walk with the Lord. I truly enjoyed the study of I Peter; the letter became richer for me than ever before. Pastor Ed did talk to us as pastor to pastor, and shared so many things from his own experience as pastor. It was a great time, thank you so much. Robert Raich – Fetesti
I am thankful to God for His special blessings during these days at Alpinis. I was reminded in a very practical way that I am more than a survivor in Jesus. I am leaving this place determined to love Jesus more, to preach His Word with passion and spend more time with my wife. My prayer is the Lord may give me wisdom to know His will in all the areas of my life and the courage to do it. Thank you and blessings to you. Pastor Andi Nistoroiu – Filipestii de Padure
I am so thankful to God for the expe-rience I had during these days here at Alpinis. I Peter always had an impact in my life, this week I learned even more regarding God’s plan for us when we go through suffering for the sake of His Name. I was also challenged regarding my family life, I am determined to work harder to love my wife as Christ love His church. Thank you so much for making possible such a wonderful time for us. May the Lord bless you richly. Gelu Barbu – Fagaras

For me these were special days when in the quietness and the beauty of the mountains I was able to pray and meditate to the Word of God. It was a good time of reflection upon my own life, my high moments and my low moments. God was so good to me in the way He rehabilitated me, I am leaving this place with the desire to be an encourager for others. Thank you so much for your love and generosity. Pastor Daniel Cocos – Buzau

Thank you so much for this time full of grace. I was so hap-py when I heard we are going to study I Peter because I identi-fy myself in many ways with Peter. God spoke to me through Pastor Ed. The s6even steps method to apply when we are suf-fering unjustly for the Lord. Is very helpful for me. Many times I was tempted to react in my flesh but now I understand bet-ter what God expects from me. Thank you so much. May the Lord bless you richly. Cristian Baci – Fetesti
The study from I Peter it was for me an answer to my pray-ers. God did speak to me in a very practical way and I am thankful to Him, to Pastor Ed and Pastor Eugen for their dedi-cation and clarity in communicating to us the Word of God. The Holy Spirit touched my heart during these days. Thank you so much for making it possible for us. Florin Pana – Fetesti
The study in I Peter was very practical and very help-ful for me. It is going to help me a lot in my ministry, including the family life. I am for the first time at such a study at Alpinis, and I am impressed. One thing I was able to do here was to talk to my Lord on the moun-tain, just me and Him. It was a beautiful time. Thank you so much for your love and generosity. May the Lord richly bless you. Tiberiu Nicolae Ifrim – Filipestii de Padure

Once again God blessed me in a special way at Al-pinis. Themes like: “Living According to Future Grace”, “Living as the People of God”, “Think like Jesus” touched my heart and did good to my soul. There were moments of real spiritual introspection and personal encouragement in ministry. I am thankful to God for each one of you who made possible this wonderful time. Pastor Florin Botar – Campeni
I am thankful to God for this time of grace, for the privilege I had to meet other fellow pastors and have fellowship together in the Word. For me it was a won-derful time of study in God’s Word; I was challenged and encouraged to serve God better with greater pas-sion and dedication. I want to be a good and faithful servant to my Master. Grace and peace to you all. Pastor Tica Stroe – Anina
“More Than a Su8rvivor” – a wonderful study in I Pe-ter; this study remind us that living for Christ is a hon-or; where is Christ there is hope. I am so thankful to God for this time and I am thankful to all who through their love and generosity made it possible. Eugen Nicula – Zlatna

Thank you so much for your continued support for God’s work in Romania. Investing in people is the best investment we can make, it has everlasting results. Your prayers, love and generosity means so much for us; it encourages us and give us strength to continue. Your partnership with us is vital, without your very important support we could not do what we do. You all are in our hearts and we pray for you! May the Lord bless you!
Pastor Eugen Groza – Your Partner in Romania