May women leadership—group picture
During the month of May MLI organized her spring Church Based Leadership Development intensive training. Between May 27 – May 30, it was the training for women; about 25 women were able to come this time representing four different areas of Romania (Timisoara and Carpinis – west Romania; Campina, Filipestii de Padure, Bratasanca and Sat Miner – south Romania ; Fetesti, Slobozia, Calarasi – south east Romania and Sibiu -center Romania). There were days of sweet fellowship, teaching from the Word of God and challenges for a better service and spiritual growth. The theme of the Conference was: “Growing Disciples” The speaker this spring was our very dear friend and excellent Bible teacher Mrs Stephanie Moore. She was accompanied by Mr. John Moore, her husband and one of Missio International Board Members and their two daughters Megan -17 and Katherine -12. While Stephanie thought at Alpinis, John and Eugen visited the leadership groups in two areas of Roma-nia (south and south east); Megan and Katherine spent time with the Deborah girls they love so much. Stephanie did a wonderful job, eve-ryone was touched and challenged by God through her teaching. Thank you Stephanie so much for giving yourself to the Lord and in the service of His people. We love you and appreciate you. I thank you all for your love and generosity. Thank you for making possible such a wonderful and meaningful time for our ladies. Please take few minutes to read some of the impression.
The Lord has answered at this conference some questions that I have had for many years and Stephanie Moore answered faithfully and with patience, gave us solutions for making disciples and encouraged us to study the Bible more profoundly. I humbly thank you for all you have done for us and for your support! Angela Banu – Carpinis
I know the purpose of this conference has reached its goal as it has produced a change in me – I have realized that there are many things that I don’t administer well for His glory: my time, talents, spiritual gifts, etc and I have learned how to do that properly. I would like to take my notes and share them with our Bible study group of girls in Bethany. Thank you for also having some inter-esting craft ideas for us and teaching us to do them. I am grateful for the opportunity of getting to know ladies from other churches and being able to pray for one another. Be blessed! Manuela Bradiceanu – Timisoara

Stephanie and the ladies from Fetesti area
I personally thank God for every person He uses to work for His glory. This con-ference with the theme “Growing Disciples” has been very helpful for me as a Bible-study group leader and it will be useful for the ladies in our group as we’ll share with them what we’ve learned. I have been meeting recently with two ladies and mentoring them & this conference has given me the necessary tools to know how to disciple them better. I appreciate all your efforts in making this retreat possible. Luminita Pana – Fetesti
This was my first time at such a conference, I was very glad I could attend & I never thought I would feel so welcomed among the other sisters. The Lord has taught me here how to disciple my children, and even if I don’t have any yet, this way I will be prepared when God will give them to me. All the subjects presented here have been wonderful and I want to apply these truths faithfully. Lacrimioara Kovacs – Carpinis
We thank the Lord and the ones who have sacrificed in order for us to attend this conference where our souls have been refreshed. God has encouraged us through our sister Stephanie to make disciples and help them grow in the Lord. The session about ‘How to Study the Bible’ has been very useful for me and will help us start a new Bible-study group with women from our church. May God give us wisdom and passion to share the Gospel to the ends of the Earth! Raluca Stoian – Tandarei
This conference was the impulse I needed before starting to disciple some sisters in our church. I thank the Lord that He prepared the way so well and gave us all the necessary encouragement to work efficiently for His glory. Ana Vasile – Campina
My soul has been refreshed and I have learned many useful things for spiritual growth. The sessions helped me understand the Bible better and God’s salvation plan all throughout history. It was a great retreat in which we got to meet sisters from other areas, learn from the Bible, do new crafts and admire God’s beautiful creation. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts! Anca Nistoroiu – Campina
May God bless you for organizing this conference for women & thank you for your entire ministry. I have learned very many things from sister Stephanie who helped us better understand God’s Word about disciple-making. I have been equipped to make disciples at home, in our Bible-study group of women and I have understood how to share His Word with my friends. I have been encouraged to do my share in His ministry. Thank you! Mariana Ganea – Fetesti
Thank you so much for your continue support for God’s work in Romania. Investing in people is the best investment we can make, it has everlasting results. Your prayers, love and generosity means so much for us; it encourages us and give us strength to continue. Your partnership with us is vital, without your very important support we could not do what we do. You all are in our hearts and we pray for you!
May the Lord bless you!
Pastor Eugen Groza – Your Partner in Romania
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