On August 19th we had the joy of receiving a team from Hebron FPC from Ballymoney, Northern Ireland. They spent the first three days with the Deborah House girls doing Vacation Bible School with them. This took the form of various sporting and craft activities, followed by a message from God’s Word. The brothers and sisters from Utvin and Bethany Baptist were blessed through the fellowship with the team on various occasions.
The group then traveled north to a Rroma community and did VBS with the kids in the villages of Tinca and Vășad. Rev. Park said: “The team worked with kids who were extremely poor and have very few clothes and possessions. You can imagine how excited these children were to receive three items of clothing each. The team interacted with the young people for a couple of days, showed them the love of Christ, fed them and clothed them.” The poor families in Vășad also received basic food packages.
There is a Rroma Baptist Church in Tinca. They have a very good and suitable building for worship. Two rooms have been erected at the back
of the building for Sunday School work, but they are unfinished. The Pastor asked Rev. Park, if it was possible, to provide two doors and three windows to help finish these rooms. They want to use these rooms, not just for Sunday School work, but to gather in the poor children during the week, shower them (some are very dirty – especially those who sleep outside), provide them with a daily meal, and help them with their education. The pastor’s daughter-in-law works among the very poor and gives whatever assistance possible. The team managed to generously provide not just for the doors and windows, but for tiles and for equipping the bathroom too. We are so grateful for their love and support – may the Lord abundantly bless them!