Entries by International Missio Link

Visit from the Rexroth Family

Last week we were delighted to have Daniel and Amy Rexroth and their two beautiful daughters, from Tabernacle Presbyterian Church, Indianapolis, IN , visit us in Romania. For over fifteen years, Tabernacle has been part of our Church Partnering Program, with a special focus on churches in Alexandria and Zimnicea, southern Romania. Daniel and the […]

Planting trees

Third graders from the House of Hope School visited us and planted trees in our orchard as part of their school program. We congratulate the teacher’s choice to involve the little ones in a learning activity about social responsibility and about protecting and taking care of the environment. Many thanks for the help and for the creativity.

The Missionaries Conference from South of Romania

                    Between March 13-16, 2017, Zionsville Presbyterian Church (ZPC) and Missio Link International/Missio International organized their annual conference for pastors and missionaries from south east and center Romania. This year the conference was organized in the beautiful mountain city of Sinaia, north of Bucharest. We were […]

Spring trinkets at Hella

This spring, our hardworking volunteers worked with the girls from Deborah House to manufacture colorful  trinkets (“martisoare”), full of life, that proclaim the arrival of the long-awaited spring. We had the opportunity to offer these trinkets in return for donations,  to the employees at Hella Romania, at the Lugoj headquarters, They enjoyed to hear what […]

Training with Norwegian lecturers

On January 26, two representatives from  Missio Link International Foundation attended a workshop facilitated by UWRO and supported by Dugald Baird Hultberg from Oslo, Norway, which had the theme “How to do plan and implement meaningful projects with groups that have little work life experience”, and the second lecture by Ms. Vilde Reichelt and Mrs. Yvonne […]

A course for beneficiaries from Recas

In January 25 a first meeting of initiation in manicure and pedicure was held for the beneficiaries in the town Recas, an activity included in the project “Together towards the future”, funded by United Way Romania. Ramona Patlagescu, trainer at Metropolitan Beauty Timisoara, will prepare the participants in this vocational training course, mothers and girls from CSEI Recas […]

January’s Award – a fun day at the rink

In January 23, the winners of the contest “Child of the Month” from Deborah House, were awarded with a fun day at the rink and the mall. It was a wonderful day in which they were able to spend quality time with the Deborah House staff and enjoyed their success in meeting the requirements of […]

Christmas for the Children at Risk

The month of December was a busy one for the Deborah House girls. They participated at the local Christmas Fair held at Iulius Mall in Timisoara selling hand-made objects. A special event was held by them, where they sang and did a puppet show. Also, young people from Bethany sang carols and together with Emil […]

BRD elves at Recas

On December 16, BRD prepared a great joy to the children of Recas from the program “Back to school”. The children prepared a special program for Christmas, which included songs, dances and poems and enjoyed a lot the gifts received. We thank our BRD elves who have been supporting this project for 7 years and bring smiles […]