Saturday, May 17th, during Rotary’s National Conference – D2241 Romania and Moldova, the “Deborah House” Centre was awarded the title Best Community Project Supported by Rotary International D2241. The project was selected and presented at the Community Projects Fair by Rotary Club Timisoara “Ripensis” which between 2008 – 2013 funded three sustainable projects in partnership with three Rotary Clubs in the USA. Two girls from “Deborah House” and two girls who were in the center until the age of 18 and who are now a medical student and a student at the college of nurses were invited to this event. The girls were not nervous because they had by their side Mrs. Maria Grapini – Chairman of RC Timisoara “Ripensis” and Mrs. Ramona Gidea – Chairman of the Projects Committee RC Timisoara “Ripensis” – a devoted friend of our girls.
“Missio Link International” Foundation thanks RC Timisoara “Ripensis”, because out of the many beautiful projects it sustains, it considered “Deborah House” to be representative for community involvement.