Deborah House
Deborah House Center
A young girl arrives at Deborah House with dull and lifeless eyes that are reflective of the loss of hope and self-esteem that have been brutally stolen by her abusers. She is broken and feels worthless, unable to consider that help is close by. But at Deborah House she can find safety, love and hope to replace the trauma of her past abuse, abandonment and pain.
Deborah House provides a unique refuge for girls rescued from trafficking or severe abuse. Founded in 2002, Deborah House now consists of two multifaceted residential care homes, each staffed by a trained and equipped Christian couple to function as house parents for up to 10 girls in need of refuge. Life at Deborah House provides a continuum of specialized treatment and support programs conducted by a team of professionals and staff to address the individual needs of each girl. Our homes, where over 150 girls found refuge so far, are intended to be a sanctuary of healing and hope.
With care, we provide:
- Safe recovery in a Christian family environment;
- Post-trauma counseling and psychotherapy;
- Access to education and vocational training;
- Basic and specialized medical care;
- Legal assistance;
- Ongoing family counseling if able to reintegrate with family of origin;
- Participation in the “social enterprise” effort (developing orchards, greenhouse, small farm animals) for economic support and educational/therapeutic benefits.
When each girl turns 18, she is eligible to transition to the Aspirations Program.