Santa sent gifts to the girls from Deborah House and Aspirations
This Christmas volunteers from United Way Romania from Continental Automotive Timisoara were Santa's helpers for the 28 girls from Deborah House, but they did not forget the 12 girls from Aspirations who between 2013-2014 received career counseling…
November News
Last week Lorena Rusovan, Ruxandra Curtean, Mariana Mitrofan, Larisa Sandu and the house parents participated at the Conference Reinventing Social Work - reconciliation of work and private life by adapting European solutions to Romanian reality.…
Women's Leadership Autumn Training
At the beginning of October 2014, MLI organized its fall Church Based Leadership Development intensive training for women. Between October 06th-09th, approximately 28 women came from four different areas of Romania (Câmpina – south Romania;…
Men's Leadership Autumn Trainings
During the months of September/October 2014, MLI organized its fall Church Based Leadership Development intensive training for men. Between September 22nd – 25th and September 29th - October 02nd approximately 50 men came from five different…
New girl at Deborah House
A new girl came to Deborah House last week. She is 11 years old and from the age of 3 months she was put into the care of an orphanage following a severe neglect from the family. She was transferred to Deborah House because she was the…
United Way Workshop
Ten beneficiaries from Deborah House and Aspirations programs participated yesterday, September 25th at a workshop organized by United Way Romania and presented by Mrs. Bianca Potyesz who has a vast experience in recruitment. The workshop…
Vessels of Mercy team @ Deborah House
A team of four ladies led by Bev Gibson, founder & CEO of Vessels of Mercy International, spent time with the girls from Deborah House at the beginning of September before school started. The theme of the VBS was 'Trust God' and the girls…
Testimonies from the Alpinis Camps
Here are some of the testimonies from the young people who participated in the Alpinis summer camps.
Alpinis Summer Camps
Here is a brief outline of Alpinis camps and events this summer:
June 26 - 29 – a weekend of trail training for Alpinis Outdoor Challenge (AOC) guides, we did this in the south-west of Romania. Click here to see…