Bega Shopping Center Timisoara, Real Galleries Timisoara and Iulius Mall Timisoara join our campaign Save Childhood.

In Romania, every year, over 11,000 children are being abused, out of witch more than half are girls over 7 years of age*. Every day 30 Romanian children are being deprived of their childhood in the most brutal ways possible, and without long-term, specialized help they will live their entire lives under the shadow of abuse. Nevertheless, in Romania only 0,2% of the abused children (less than one child a month) receive the specialized help they need in order to get their childhood and life back.

For ten years, the Deborah House has been helping under aged girls, victims of severe abuse, regain their childhood. Unparalleled in Romania, the Deborah House offers under aged girls, victims of severe abuse, not only services for psychological end emotional recovery, but also education, housing and food.

The abuse of a child kills his soul, and the traces left behind never heal. Loosing his childhood, he looses his hopes and dreams, and without hope there is no life. SAVE CHILDHOOD – YOU can give back hope to an abused child. Enroll now in the SAVE CHILDHOOD team.


*statistics of the Child Welfare Association