• 365 Children are Back to School

In September, because of the generosity of many people, 365 children who are beneficiaries of Missio Link International – Children at Risk programs returned to school. The girls from Deborah House and 200 beneficiaries of the Back-to-School Program which services children with difficult family situations from five villages from the outskirts of Recas, received their school bags and the stationery. To see their joy and emotions, please visit the photo album.


  • After school started, the girls from Deborah House made the best plum jam from their own harvest. Our visitors Mike McKeithen, Carey Akin and Mike Boyce were the first ones who tasted the fresh jams.

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  • Because the girls worked so hard we wanted to offer them something special, so the staff of the DHC decided to allow the girls to see them in a different situation: as judges of a Master Chef contest. There were six teams formed of 3-4 girls and each team had to prepare an appetizer, a main course meal and a desert. There were 3 prizes and 3 consolation prizes. The food they prepared was fantastic and the judges made an unforgettable show.


  • The Attic Floor at Deborah House 2


IMG_0011The Attic Floor at Deborah House 2 was projected to have two apartments with 4 beds and a bathroom each, created for the older girls from Deborah who transit to the next project – Aspirations. Also, there is a study room with computers for the girls from Deborah House 2, a counseling room, an office for the social worker and a visitors’ lounge. The construction started in 2006. Among the pioneers who contributed in different stages to finalizing this project through manual labor, working as volunteers, but also supporting financially was Task Force Romania and teams from USA. This project was finished in October 2013 and with a Rotary Grant we will be able to equip this floor with furniture, computers and stationery.



  • 2 New girls at Deborah House


There are 2 new girls at Deborah House. The first one is 10 years old and is currently in the 4th grade. Her mom died when she was seven, and her dad passed away even earlier. Ever since she came to Debora House she felt loved. She is sensitive, optimistic and enthusiastic and loves school, especially mathematics and music. The second one is 15 years old and is very ambitious and likes to learn new things. She studies hard at school and her passions are classical dances and music. She took ballet for two year and is singing in the school’s choir. The girls received her very well and treat her like an older sister.


  • Visits


We were visited during this time by our dear friends Mike McKeithen, Mike Smith, Mike Boyce and Carey Akin in September. In October we met new friends from Hope Lutheran Church, Toledo, OH and we are very grateful for the blessing they all are for us.

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  • Deborah House has got Talent

In November we had a talent contest at Deborah House. The girls participated through songs, dance, gymnastics, drawing, hair-styling and recitals and we had a great time seeing how gifted they are. Praise God!

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