About Comunicare MLI
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Entries by Comunicare MLI
Strategic Planning Meeting
On April 2, 2024, just for a day, the Missio Link International Foundation (MLI) coordinating team stopped from their daily routines and focused on the future.
Under the guidance of Mr. Adrian HUDULIN, co-shareholder and senior consultant at Train to Excellence also MLI volunteer chaplain at Deborah House, the MLI leaders answered a few questions :
- Is the direction of the organization in line with the vision, mission and declared values after more than 20 years of serving?
- What will MLI look like in five years?
- How do we get there? What are the strategic objectives?
Our team imagined MLI as a vehicle in motion having Christ as both resource and destination. We move on solid ground developed by a team of dedicated leaders and partnerships of over 20 years. We share the same holistic approach that includes growth and impact of the Church in the community, leadership training and the recovery and integration of Children at Risk.
At the end of the day, the team established the strategic objectives for the next five years:
- Ensuring the sustainability of the foundation, through the development of resources;
- Training a new generation of leaders;
- Evaluation of ongoing projects, the needs and how MLI will respond to those needs;
Encouraged by the conclusions of this first meeting, we are preparing for the next stages in establishing the MLI strategy, keeping in mind Ephesians 3:20-21 “Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us, to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, for ever and ever! Amen”.

Biblical counseling – November 2023
Intensive Course for the formation of Leaders in local churches
Between November 13-16, 2023 , the Alpiniș Leadership Center (ALC) hosted a new session of intensive spiritual training seminars, with biblical counseling as its theme. Forty-two pastors, missionaries, ministers and members from the partnering churches of the Missio Link International Foundation (MLI) participated from over ten locations across the country.
The training session was organised through a partnership between MLI, the Maranatha Baptist Church in Campina and The International Theological Education Ministry, USA. The guest speaker was Pastor and Professor Louis Cloete of South Carolina, USA , originally from South Africa, based on the biblical counseling course he teaches his students.
We are grateful to our partners who, for over 15 years have made these training seminars possible for leaders in local churches, thereby increasing their impact in the community.

TRAUMA HEALING (Intensive training in the Church-based Leadership Development Program)
On October 23-26, thanks to the generosity of our partners Christ Church, Oak Brook, IL, USA, and Grove Group, Memphis, TN, USA, we organized a new intensive training on Trauma Healing at the Alpiniș Leadership Center.
This autumn’s session was attended by 26 students from all over the country, MLI partners and people working with refugees. Mrs. Stephanie Moore, Memphis, TN, USA, from the American Bible Society (ABS) and Mr. Ruben Dubei, Bucharest, Romania, from the Romanian Interconfessional Bible Society (SBIR), led the course as trainers.
Trauma Healing is a program of the Trauma Healing Institute established by ABS and implemented in Romania in 2016 by SBIR. The project combines Christian counseling and modern psychotherapy and consists of training seminars for people in the Church that will moderate support groups for trauma understanding and healing. Following these seminars, participants are certified by the Trauma Healing Institute as moderators of healing groups, and those interested can become trainers of trainers.
At the end of 2017, the Missio Link International Foundation included Trauma Healing in the curriculum for our church-based leadership development program, during which over 75 men and women were certified as moderators of healing groups. In the spring of 2024, we plan to organize a follow up training session for those who go through the necessary steps for certification as trainers for facilitators in trauma healing.
John and Stephanie Moore are part of the GROVE Group, TN which for over 20 years has been the leading partner of our Church-Based Leadership Development program. Over the years, John and Stephanie visited us in Romania often. This time they were accompanied by their son, John-David, who, together with John and Emil Toader, visited the leadership training groups in local churches in Cluj, Câmpina area, and Ciuta, Buzău County.
#Leadership #Church #Mission #Healing #MLI
Stories of Hope – Deborah House
Since 2002, Deborah House has been writing Stories of Hope.
Nicoleta from Deborah House excels at school and she is an example to her colleagues.
Unlike most teenagers, Ana-Maria is a quiet one. She tells her story through the strings of a violin, colours and sometimes by writing. A few years ago she published a collection of poems written by her. The collection of paintings painted by Ana-Maria is much larger. Some of these paintings were offered as a thanks to many of our partners who visited us and are now as private collections in USA and Europe.
Despite the evil she has unfairly dealt with, Sabrina always finds the strength to choose the good and soar above the clouds like eagles.
Who are we? Where do we come from and where are we heading to? These are question that each of us seek to have answers to. Gift of God with a beautiful voice and her passion for music helped Adela to discover and to value the beauty of Romanian folk music.
After only a few months with us, Raluca talks about her passions and her future plans. We believe that the people who helped her adapt so quickly are her new housemates, our volunteers and partners, last but not least the team.
What can be so full of hope, when you see a young girl who desires to help other kids the way she was helped?
At Deborah house we write the Stories of Hope together every day.
Dedication of the Alpiniș Leadership Centre
On June 10, 2023, we celebrated the dedication of the Alpiniș Leadership Centre. Alpiniș has a beautiful story woven by God with people who chose to leave a legacy of faith and impact in a special place: Păltiniș, Romania. This MLI project was accomplished miraculously starting with a land purchased in 2002 and a villa transformed into a ministry facility where thousands of youth benefitted of Christian programs on the mountain between 2006 and 2021.

The vision for the new Alpiniș location emerged during 2011-2013, and we broke ground for the new construction in 2018. Dear friends named the place, admiring the scenery, Alpiniș (Păltiniș – Alpine – Alpinish…) or holy ground, while walking on our property. A prophetic role was discerned for Alpiniș as one of formation, of transformation and growth for those participating in our programs or seeking a time of rest. From this, the modern concept of leadership which implies equipping and formation of character and abilities based on the model of Christ.
We share with you The Story of Alpiniș in a brief video we prepared for this occasion. Please click on the link below.
Our key word is thank you; we thank God, we thank you and we celebrate the completion of the building and pray for God’s provision in the new season. We are honored that you are part of our story at Alpiniș, thank you!

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Str. Ion Barac, nr. 22
300151 Timisoara