Since 2012 the girls from Deborah House have always been present at the traditional Christmas Fair hosted by Iulius Mall Timisoara. We could not miss the 2015 edition, especially because since September, during the art therapy and occupational workshops, the girls creatively made Christmas decorations. All the objects made by them were exhibited at the fair and could be purchased for a donation. As a sign of gratitude for the generous people of Timisoara who stood by our side in 2015 the girls sang carols.
For everything the girls have received at Deborah House, they want to return the blessing, so they decided that this year, with some of the donations collected at the fair, they would make a gift for other children. We encourage them in their quest because goodness and generosity are proof of normality, which means healing deep woun
ds for these girls.
We thank the people of Timisoara for their generosity and we thank our volunteers Chandler Crocker and Holli Rae-Ann Miller who have come from the US just to help us and teach us so many wonderful things.