Rotarians from RC Opera Timisoara D2241 with the Deborah House staff - Sebastian PatlagescuAt the beginning of May Missio Link International Foundation concluded and reported the tenth Matching Grant project through Rotary International Foundation. The beneficiary of these projects was the Centre for Girls at Risk “Deborah House.” This project had the purpose of furnishing and equipping the loft at Deborah House with IT resources, thus creating new accommodation, a study room and a room for counseling and post-abuse intervention therapies. The partners in this project were the Rotary Club Perrysburg OH, USA, D6600 and the young Rotary Club Opera Timisoara, D2241.

The first project Rotary Matching Grant was started in 2004 as a partnership between the Rotary Club Perrysburg, OH, USA D6600 and Rotary Club Timisoara Cetate, D2241, aiming to provide access to education, healthcare and improved living for the under aged girls at Deborah House. Over the past ten years another five projects were accomplished for education, health and better living conditions for the children at risk in the Timis County, beneficiaries of the MLI Foundation, and four sustainable projects designed to provide resources for the organization. All these projects had the support of the joined partnership of three Rotary clubs in the U.S.: RC Perrysburg, OH, D6600; RC Bon Air, VA, D7600 and RC Harrisonburg, VA, D7570 and three Rotary clubs in Timisoara, D2241 RC Timisoara Cetate; RC Ripensis Timisoara and RC Timisoara Opera.

Dedicated to their motto “Serving above Self”, Rotarians brought change in the lives of over 350 children in the care of MLI Foundation. Thank you all for your participation and our appreciation at this anniversary particularly goes to Mr. Jeffery M. Normand from Toledo, OH, who initiated these projects and who continues to be our committed ambassador.

Rotarians from RC Opera Timisoara D2241 with the girls and staff at Deborah House - Sebastian Patlagescu
Rotarian Jeff Normand RC Perrysburg OH D6600 and his wife Deb Normand visiting the Deborah House Center (2)-Sebastian Patlagescu