Dear Friends of MLI,

Group picture –first week
Between September 23-26 and September 30-October 03, 2013 MLI organized her fall intensive leadership training for men; about 50 men were able to come this time represent-ing seven different areas of Romania and Serbia: (Timisoara and Carpinis – west Romania; Campina; Filipestii de Padure, Bratasanca and Sat Miner – south Romania; Fetesti, Slobozia, Calarasi – south east Romania; Sibiu, Fagaras – center Roma-nia; Abrud, Campeni, Baia de Aries – Western Mountains of Romania; Bicaz and Damuc– east Romania and Alibunar from Serbia). Once again the time spent together at Alpinis was special, it was a time of sweet fellowship, building rela-tionship, growing in the knowledge of the Lord, spiritual and physical renewal. This year I invited two pastors, dear friends of Romania and MLI: one from USA and one from England. Each one of them thought for a week and did a great job. I am thankful to both of them, their families and churches. The first week the speaker was

Group picture –second week
Mr. Carey Akin, the Mission Pastor of Mt. Bethel United Methodist Church from Marietta GA; the theme was :”The Spiritual Life of the Chris-tian Leader.” The speaker for the second week was Mr. Phil-ip Campion, the pastor of Biggleswade Baptist Church from England; the theme was “Signs of life in the Church”, a study from Acts. Thank you Carey and Philip so much for giving yourself to the Lord and for letting Him use you so powerful-ly during these two weeks. Through your teaching and through the testimony of your lives God spoke to each one of us. We love you and appreciate you. I thank you all for your love and generosity. Thank you for making possible such a wonderful and meaningful time for us. Please take few minutes to read some of the impression.
“I was reminded that the solution to my spiritual problems is to be in God’s presence before doing any ministry. I thank the Lord for speaking so clearly through brother Carey.” Anton Szilagy – Sibiu
“This was my first training and it has helped me to draw closer to God. I am thankful for the gifts that the Lord put in me to serve the church in Alibunac. I would like to deepen my relationship with the Lord and to be closer to my brothers and sisters in our church.” Todor Petrovici – Serbia
“I am very grateful to God for the message from this conference. I understood again the importance of a personal relationship with the Lord and the necessity of accountability. I want to apply these practices in my daily life. We thank the MLI team, brother Carey for his encouraging teachings and brother Emil for serving us with translation.” Pastor Sorin Fairais – Fagaras
“God has spoken to me personally calling me to let my-self be loved by Him and to love Him more than anybody else. I needed to be reminded this and I was encouraged to be still before the Lord.” Andris Marian – Fagaras “I have been blessed at Alpinis through this confer-ence and it has helped me reach some decisions in my spiritual life. I would like to have a more serious devo-tional time with the Lord every day, to draw closer to Him and hear His voice. Thank you to those who sacri-ficed so that we may be encouraged in our walk with God.” Pastor Florin Botar – Campeni
“At this conference I was reminded what my role should be in a living church. When I get home I want to spread the Gospel in my neighborhood and be an active member in my church.” Malasanciuc Gheorghe – Fetesti “Two things that touched my heart during this conference were to search for God passionately, not with fear and to serve my brothers and sis-ters waiting for the Holy Spirit to put in them the desire for God’s word.” Pastor Silviu Moise – Campina “The teachings helped me grow spiritually in order to be a better servant for God and to wit-ness to others that life without Jesus is point-less. We thank Pastor Philip for his messages and Pastor Florin for his translation – we have been blessed through you.” Gabi Dragan – Campina
“We experience how pleasant it is to be in fellowship with other brothers and with the Lord up in the mountains. I was encouraged to carry on the Lord’s ministry passionately Thank you for another con-ference full of life and may the Lord give you health and strength to serve Him to the end.” Pastor Andi Nistoroiu – Campina
“This conference was benefic for all who participated. Through brother Philip’s teachings we understood better the times in which we live and we were encouraged to serve the Lord with our gifts and be more involved in sharing the Gospel with our neighbors.” Tiberiu Covacs – Carpinis
“I was impressed by Pastor Philip’s passion with which he shared God’s truth, his love for Jesus and for other people. I have been refreshed and encouraged to love the Lord more and to encourage others.” Florin Ciubean
“Thank you for the blessed week we spent together in fellowship. God spoke to me through brother Philip about first waiting for the Lord’s answer or provision and then acting upon it. May the Lord bless you all!” Pastor Cristian Baci – Fetesti
Thank you so much for your continue support for God’s work in Romania. Investing in people is the best investment we can make, it has everlasting results. Your prayers, love and generosity means so much for us; it encourages us and give us strength to continue. Your partnership with us is vital, without your very important support we could not do what we do. You all are in our hearts and we pray for you! May the Lord bless you! Pastor Eugen Groza – Your Partner in Romania