In the second week of intensive training at Alpinis we had groups of ladies from partnering churches in Timișoara, Fetești, Câmpina and Făgăraș.

Debbie Skufca led an empowering study about learning how to develop joy in our hearts by remembering our identity in Christ, by looking at faith heroes like the Apostle Paul, by having each other’s back and even by counting our losses and practicing humbleness. The participants were delighted to discover spiritual treasures in Paul’s Epistle to the Philippians and the Holy Spirit created an amazing atmosphere of unity among our sisters in Christ. Debbie served with Bible Education by Extension in Romania for many years focusing on women ministry, she speaks Romanian and we very much appreciate her heart and skills in leading the training.

We very much appreciate your prayers, support and continued interest in the work of the gospel in Romania, thank you!

Below we are sharing a few testimonies and pictures from the participants.

Emil Toader



I never thought that counting losses can be something that generates joy, when we think about what we left behind so that our manner of life would be worthy of the Gospel of Christ. I thank the Lord for what these days meant to me! (Vali)


These days reminded me who I am in Christ and how significant it is to practice unity in our churches. I was impressed by the fellowship I had with my sisters in Christ. (Sia, Timișoara)


I enjoyed the small group study and listening to my sisters’ experiences and thoughts. I would like to thank Debbie for obeying God’s call to come to Romania, she was a blessing to us these days. I pray we will practice everything we have learnt here! (Marcela, Făgăraș)


I will leave Alpiniș with the thought that joy can also come from humbleness. 



This conference reminded me that Jesus is the joy of my heart. I remembered my identity in Him and how important unity is, so that we can be a blessing for each other and the people around us. God bless everyone involved here! (Luminița, Fetești)

Thank you for teaching us that joy can also come from who we are in Jesus. This made me reflect on my identity in Christ and brought a lot of joy to me. 



Debbie organized an interactive study and I liked the idea of small groups, it facilitated the engagement of every single participant. I am grateful for the opportunity to be here! (Nina, Câmpina)

 These conferences always feed my soul and help me grow closer to Christ. Thank you! (Rodica, Prahova – Câmpina)


I am grateful for this conference. The theme of the study – Joy in Jesus, no matter what – is exactly what I needed. God spoke to me here through His Holy Spirit and gave me strength to pass through this difficult time in my life. Debbie is so delicate, wise and creative. God bless you, Debbie! Thank you again for this relevant study! (Emilia, Făgăraș)