Dear Friends of MLI,

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During the month of May MLI organized her spring Church Based Leadership Development intensive training. Between May 13–16 and May 20-23, it was the training for men; about 50 men were able to come this time representing five different areas of Romania (Timisoara and Carpinis – west Romania; Campina, Filipestii de Padure, Bratasanca and Sat Miner – south Romania ; Fetesti, Slobozia, Calarasi – south east Romania ;Sibiu, Fagaras – center Romania and Abrud, Campeni, Baia de Aries – Western Mountains of Romania). God prepared a plentiful spiritual meal for each one of us.

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The theme of the Conference was: “Making dis-ciples who make disciples.” The study was based on “Master’s Plan of Evangelism.” by Robert Coleman. The speakers this spring were our very dear friends and excellent Bible teachers Mr. Mike Smith – MI Executive Director and Mr. Paul Weaver – one of MI Board members. Mrs Barbara Smith (Mike’s wife) accompanied them during their visit. During the first week Barbara lead a team from Highland Community Church at Deborah Home.
During the weekend, I, Mike, Barbara and Paul visited Campina where we meat Pastor Ion Vasile and his family and the city of Buzau where we meat Pastor Daniel Cocos. Mike preached Sunday morning at their church meeting. Thank you Mike and Paul so much for giving yourself to the Lord and for letting Him use you so powerfully dur-ing these two weeks. Through your teaching and through the tes-timony of your lives God spoke to each one of us. We love you and appreciate you. I thank you all for your love and generosity. Thank you for making possible suc
It was a privilege to be at Alpinis for MLI training, thank you so much for the invita-tion. The theme of the conference was very useful and very practical. Jesus called us to be disciples and make disci-ples; I pray God will help me to apply in my life and ministry all I learned here. Thank you and the Lord bless you. Daniel Dragnea – missionary Scortenih a wonderful and meaningful time for us. Please take few minutes to read some of the impression.
I am very happy I was able to come for few days at Alpinis for this training. I learned how to be a disciple and how to make disciples. The teaching was simple, clear and very useful. I heard God’s voice here and I would love to come back. Thank you so much. Abel Badea – Filipestii de Padure
I thank God for the time we spent together at Alpinis. We learned here from our Master about being and making dis-ciples. I thank God for Mike and Paul, for their example and their teaching. This time was a blessing for me; thank you so much. Ioan Stanean – Sat Miner
I am thankful to God for the possibility to be at Alpinis for MLI training. It was a very useful and encouraging time for me; I was challenged during these days to be more active in making disciples and extending the King-dom of God. Thank you so much, may the Lord bless you richly. Rusu Traian missionary – Comarnic
This time at Alpinis was God’s answer to my prayers to find God’s will and direction for my life, my church and my ministry. My prayer is that “The Master’s Plan of Evangelism” becomes part of my life and ministry. Thank you and my God be glorified. Pastor Andi Nistoroiu – Filipestii de PadureI am thankful to God for this conference; God touched my life through the people He used to speak to us and through the message He gave us. I understood better the importance of prayer and Bible study in discipleship. May the Lord richly bless you all. Pastor Sorin Fairais – Fagaras
I give thanks to God for this time at Alpinis. God confirmed to me once again how important discipleship is. Thank you so much for these wonderful days. Emil Fairais – Fagaras
God spoke to me during these days and I am leaving Alpinis a changed person, dedicated to serve the Lord better and be an active disciple maker. Thank you so much. May the Lord bless you. Petru Man – Fagaras
God spoke to me and encouraged me during these days. Investing in people is essential and I pray God will help me to do it more and more in my life and ministry. It is a vision I take with me and will work hard to pass it to others in my churches as it has the potential to revive our lives. The Lord bless you. Pastor Florin Botar – Sohodol
God did speak to me during these days in a very practical way; I am leaving Alpinis determined to go back home, find a person and invest in his live as I learned here. Thank you so much, may the Lord bless you. Florin Tudorache – Fetesti
God did speak to me during these days and showed me how crucial is for us as followers of Jesus to make disciples who are able to multiply themselves. I pray God will help me to be such a follower of Him. Thank you Mike and Paul for your example and for your teaching. Pastor Aurel Rodean – Campeni
It was a blessed time for me, a time of study and sweet fellowship. The discipleship theme is very appropriate for the needs of our churches. I appreciated the time of interaction when we were able to get to learn from each other’s experiences. Thank you so much for your love, dedication and generosity. Pastor Adrian Neagu – Bordusani
This time at Alpinis was a time of encouragement and deep personal examination. It was a time when God spoke to me and challenged me to change my ministry strategy by making it more practical and efficient. I learned a lot regarding the selection, equipping and multiplication process. I pray the Lord will help me to apply what I learned here. Thank you so much for making possible this time for us. Pastor Sorin Cigher – Sibiu
I am thankful to God for the possibility to attend this conference at Alpinis. I realized there are things and priorities in my life that are not according to the Lord’s will. From now on making disciples will be intentional in my life and ministry. Thank you for a great time. Marian Gorca – Sibiu
Thank you so much for your continue support for God’s work in Romania. Investing in people is the best investment we can make, it has everlasting results. It is very meaningful to me that the themes for men training and women training were about discipleship even the two teachers did not know one about the other. God is telling us something!!! Your prayers, love and generosity means so much for us; it encourages us and give us strength to continue. Your partnership with us is vital, without your very important support we could not do what we do. You all are in our hearts and we pray for you! May the Lord bless you!
Pastor Eugen Groza – Your Partner in Romania
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