A team from First Woodstock Baptist Church, Atlanta, GA, visited us from June 21st. One of their objectives was to build a Prayer Garden. Andrew Brandenburg initiated this project at his Eagle Scout Club and raised the funds so that the girls would have a peaceful place where they could pray. It is also meant to remind the girls of the love for them expressed by the ones from the States. The whole project theme was love and hope.










Another part of the project was that the girls made stepping stones, that represent each girls’ personal contribution to building the garden. These stepping stones are made by pouring concrete into the molds and then putting ‘gems’ into the stepping stones shape, personalized with their names.  Girls had a great time making the stones – as did the team members and staff. Everyone enjoyed making their own designs. When you think of what these sweet girls have been through, it warms the heart to see the beauty that they create.

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While working on the garden they also had Bible study lessons from David’s life, they sang together and did crafts and played outside.

Andrew had a wonderful idea that every girl, staff and team members would plant the bushes and place their stones wherever they wanted and through Lorena Rusovan, he told them that it was their garden. When the garden was complete Pastor Eugen Groza said a prayer of dedication. After the prayer, Andrew presented Lorena Rusovan with the extra money that was raised to be used to maintain the garden and he offered his Eagle Scout Project plaque. Thank you all for your generosity and support making this wonderful dream come true.

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The team also visited the young boys and girls from the Juvenile Hall in Buzias, sharing their testimonies and praising the Lord. On Friday, they had a special party at the restaurant with the girls from Deborah House celebrating with cake and gifts at the end.
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On Saturday, June 28th, we organized a special event for children called “Together we save the childhood”, where the FWBC team, Deborah House staff and girls and other volunteers brought their contribution through face-painting, contests, balloons and games and at the end Lori Kennedy and Abby Hoenstein held a short concert. The children enjoyed every minute of it and we managed to raise awareness about child abuse in Romania. Thank you all so much for your blessing upon us!
For more pictures, click here