Worship songs with the Deborah House girls.
CLF Mission Team Ministers in Romania for 13th Year!
Christian Life Team Report
Another great team visited Deborah House! We went with the express command from God, “You must convey My love to them,” (the girls of Deborah). We want to thank everyone for supporting our fundraisers for the construction project. This will complete a stairway to the upstairs of the second Deborah House, in order to make rooms for six more girls. The work will be done by professionals (stucco and tile work), so we were freed to love the girls as God commanded. We played a lot of soccer, did a lot of crafts, taught Bible lessons, played guitar and sang until our fingers and voices gave out, gave guitar lessons, etc. and just loved the girls.

Teaching in the gym where we played indoor soccer.
There were nine new girls in the two houses this year, two new social workers, and they are in the process of hiring a new set of house parents. Peter and Florica, the volunteer temporary house parents were delightful; they also happen to be the in-laws of one of the girls who went through Deborah. It is clearly amazing, and surely a work of the Holy Spirit, to see a 22 pre-teen and teenage girls with very troubled pasts living, working, and playing together in such harmony as we witnessed with these girls. We were also able to have a dinner with 10 girls in the Aspirations program, which provides assistance to the girls from Deborah House after they “age-out”. These girls are either in college, vocational training, married or working. It is very encouraging to see the positive effects of this ministry on these young ladies lives, and we know that our work and support has had the lasting, positive effects that we’d hoped for. God has used this ministry to
truly turn these girls’ lives around.
We also got to spend a half day with Doru Racovicean, who leads Harmony, another ministry under SPER, Children at risk, which also covers Deborah House and Aspirations. Doru ministers three days a week in the institutional orphanages and twice a week and every other Sunday in the juvenile detention center in nearby Buzias. His ministry is also amazing and anointed. Can you imagine 75% of the boys in a juvenile detention center giving up their free time (could be playing soccer, basketball, etc.) to sit in 101 degree heat and listen (intently and without cutting up) to the gospel, sing a few hymns, and recite scriptures? Not only that, but twenty of them are privileged to get an extra hour! There are also a few girls in the facility and all of them come, but they don’t have a choice. Doru’s command of their attention with the simple gospel is incredible, as is his humility in talking about it. Our week ended with a big birthday bash for “Dr. Dan” (as he is known at Deborah House) and the other Deborah girls with June birthdays. We had barbeque, ate amazing Romanian chocolate cake, exchanged gifts, and sang songs until our fingers and voices gave out, then said our goodbyes for another year. Dr. Dan wrote in his journal, “It was a spiritually very relevant trip,” which we truly believe to be the case, because we followed God’s command and loved them.
There are some prayer requests we ask for you to join with us in prayer: Pray for the right people for the new house parents. Pray for the house parents who recently had to resign because the mother has Cancer. Pray for Eugen Groza, the pastor over this entire ministry in Romania, he is battling some serious health issues. Pray for Doru for strength with his intense schedule, we are also praying that he will get an apprentice. God bless you and thank you for your prayers and support.